hfut.interface 源代码

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division

import re
import time

import six
from bs4 import SoupStrainer
from requests import Request

from .log import logger, log_result_not_found
from .parser import GlobalFeaturedSoup, parse_tr_strs, flatten_list, parse_course, safe_zip
from .session import BaseSession, StudentSession
from .value import ENV

__all__ = [
    'BaseInterface', 'GetSystemStatus', 'GetClassStudents', 'GetClassInfo', 'SearchCourse', 'GetTeachingPlan',
    'GetTeacherInfo', 'GetCourseClasses', 'GetEntireCurriculum',
    'GetCode', 'GetMyInfo', 'GetMyAchievements', 'GetMyCurriculum', 'GetMyFees', 'ChangePassword', 'SetTelephone',
    'GetOptionalCourses', 'GetSelectedCourses', 'ChangeCourse', 'GetUnfinishedEvaluation', 'EvaluateCourse'

[文档]class BaseInterface(object): """ 所有接口的类的基类, 所有的接口都必须继承这个类. 通过实现构造函数 ``__init__`` 用来初始化 ``self.extra_kwargs`` 用于生成请求需要的额外参数, 必须在所有的实现前调用基类的方法. 所有的接口都要预定义 ``session_class`` , ``request_kwargs`` , ``send_kwargs`` 三个属性 所有的接口都要实现静态方法 ``parse`` 用来将响应解析为规格化的结果. """ session_class = NotImplemented request_kwargs = NotImplemented # {'proxies': None, 'stream': None, 'verify': None, 'cert': None,'timeout': None, 'allow_redirects': True} send_kwargs = NotImplemented def __init__(self): self.extra_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): raise NotImplemented('你需要以静态方法的方式实现对响应的解析过程')
[文档] def make_request(self): kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.request_kwargs) kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs) req = Request(**kwargs) return req
[文档]class GetSystemStatus(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/s_welcome.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): # 学期后有一个 </br> 便签, html.parser 会私自的将它替换为 </table> 导致无获取后面的 html # ss = SoupStrainer('table', height='85%') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(response.text) text = bs.get_text(strip=True) term = ENV['TERM_PATTERN'].search(text).group() plan_pattern = re.compile( r'第(\d)轮:' r'(\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})' r'\s*到\s*' r'(\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})' ) raw_plans = plan_pattern.findall(text) time_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %X' plans = [] current_round = None for p in raw_plans: # 为了支持转换到 json 使用了浮点时间 start = time.mktime(time.strptime(p[1], time_fmt)) end = time.mktime(time.strptime(p[2], time_fmt)) # 每次都计算当前时间保证准确性 now = time.time() if start < now < end: current_round = int(p[0]) # plans.append(dict(zip(('轮数', '开始', '结束'), (int(p[0]), start, end)))) # 结果是有顺序的 plans.append((start, end)) assert plans result = { '当前学期': term, '选课计划': plans, '当前轮数': current_round } return result
[文档]class GetClassStudents(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/Jxbmdcx_1.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, xqdm, kcdm, jxbh): super(GetClassStudents, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['params'] = { 'xqdm': xqdm, 'kcdm': kcdm.upper(), 'jxbh': jxbh }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text # 狗日的网页代码写错了无法正确解析标签! term = ENV['TERM_PATTERN'].search(page) class_name_p = re.compile(r'>\s*([^>]+)\s*(\d{4}班)', flags=re.UNICODE) class_name = class_name_p.search(page) # 虽然 \S 能解决匹配失败中文的问题, 但是最后的结果还是乱码的 stu_p = re.compile( r'>\s*(\d{10})\s*<' r'.*?' r'>\s*([\w*]{2,10})\s*<', flags=re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE ) stus = stu_p.findall(page) if term and class_name: term = term.group() class_name = ''.join(class_name.groups()) stus = [{'学号': int(v[0]), '姓名': v[1]} for v in stus] return {'学期': term, '班级名称': class_name, '学生': stus} else: log_result_not_found(response) return {}
[文档]class GetClassInfo(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/xqkb1_1.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, xqdm, kcdm, jxbh): super(GetClassInfo, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['params'] = { 'xqdm': xqdm, 'kcdm': kcdm.upper(), 'jxbh': jxbh }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='600') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) # 有三行 , 教学班号 课程名称 课程类型 学分 开课单位 校区 起止周 考核类型 性别限制 选中人数 key_list = [list(tr.stripped_strings) for tr in bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor='#B4B9B9')] if len(key_list) != 3: log_result_not_found(response) return {} # 有7行, 前三行与 key_list 对应, 后四行是单行属性, 键与值在同一行 trs = bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor='#D6D3CE') # 最后的 备注, 禁选范围 两行外面包裹了一个 'tr' bgcolor='#D6D3CE' 时间地点 ...... # 如果使用 lxml 作为解析器, 会自动纠正错误 # 前三行, 注意 value_list 第三行是有两个单元格为 None, value_list = parse_tr_strs(trs[:3]) # Python3 的 map 返回的是生成器, 不会立即产生结果 # map(lambda seq: class_info.update(dict(zip(seq[0], seq[1]))), zip(key_list, value_list)) keys = flatten_list(key_list) values = flatten_list(value_list) class_info = dict(safe_zip(keys, values, 10, 12)) class_info['学分'] = float(class_info['学分']) class_info['选中人数'] = int(class_info['选中人数']) # 后四行, 每个元素有值长度为2, 否则为1 # html.parser [ # ['优选范围', '电子信息13-1班'], # ['时间地点', '禁选范围', '备 注', '第20周课程设计,另一周分散进行'], # ['禁选范围'], # ['备 注', '第20周课程设计,另一周分散进行']] # lxml [ # ['优选范围', '电子信息13-1班'], # ['时间地点'], # ['禁选范围'], # ['备 注', '第20周课程设计,另一周分散进行']] last_4_lines = [list(tr.stripped_strings) for tr in trs[3:7]] # 兼容 html.parser 与 lxml if len(last_4_lines[1]) > 2: last_4_lines[1] = last_4_lines[1][:- len(last_4_lines[2]) - len(last_4_lines[3])] for kv in last_4_lines: k = kv[0] v = None if len(kv) == 1 else kv[1] class_info[k] = v class_info['备注'] = class_info.pop('备 注') return class_info
[文档]class SearchCourse(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/xqkb1.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, xqdm, kcdm=None, kcmc=None): super(SearchCourse, self).__init__() if kcdm is None and kcmc is None: raise ValueError('kcdm 和 kcdm 参数必须至少存在一个') self.extra_kwargs['data'] = { 'xqdm': xqdm, 'kcdm': kcdm.upper() if kcdm else None, 'kcmc': kcmc.encode(ENV['SITE_ENCODING']) if kcmc else None }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='650') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) title = bs.find('tr', bgcolor='#FB9E04') trs = bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor=re.compile(r'#D6D3CE|#B4B9B9')) if title: courses = [] keys = tuple(title.stripped_strings) value_list = parse_tr_strs(trs) for values in value_list: course = dict(safe_zip(keys, values)) course.pop('序号') course['课程代码'] = course['课程代码'].upper() course['班级容量'] = int(course['班级容量']) courses.append(course) return courses else: log_result_not_found(response) return []
[文档]class GetTeachingPlan(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/xqkb2.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, xqdm, kclx='b', zydm=''): super(GetTeachingPlan, self).__init__() if kclx == 'b' and not zydm: raise ValueError('查询专业必修课必须提供专业代码') kclxdm = {'b': 1, 'x': 3}[kclx] self.extra_kwargs['data'] = { 'xqdm': xqdm, 'kclxdm': kclxdm, 'ccjbyxzy': zydm }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='650') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) trs = bs.find_all('tr') keys = tuple(trs[1].stripped_strings) if len(keys) != 6: log_result_not_found(response) return [] value_list = parse_tr_strs(trs[2:]) teaching_plan = [] for values in value_list: code = values[1].upper() if teaching_plan and teaching_plan[-1]['课程代码'] == code: # 宣城校区查询公选课会有大量的重复 continue plan = dict(safe_zip(keys, values)) plan.pop('序号') plan['课程代码'] = code plan['学时'] = int(plan['学时']) plan['学分'] = float(plan['学分']) teaching_plan.append(plan) return teaching_plan
[文档]class GetTeacherInfo(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'teacher/asp/teacher_info.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, jsh): super(GetTeacherInfo, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['params'] = {'jsh': jsh}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) if not bs.text: log_result_not_found(response) return {} value_list = parse_tr_strs(bs.find_all('tr')) # 第一行最后有个照片项 teacher_info = {'照片': value_list[0].pop()} # 第五行最后有两个空白 value_list[4] = value_list[4][:2] # 第六行有两个 联系电话 键 phone = value_list[5] teacher_info['联系电话'] = phone[1::2] value_list.remove(phone) # 解析其他项 for v in value_list: for i in range(0, len(v), 2): teacher_info[v[i]] = v[i + 1] return teacher_info
[文档]class GetCourseClasses(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', # 'student/asp/select_topRight.asp' 'url': 'student/asp/select_topRight_f3.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, kcdm): super(GetCourseClasses, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['params'] = {'kcdm': kcdm.upper()}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('body') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) class_table = bs.select_one('#JXBTable') if class_table.get_text(strip=True) == '对不起!该课程没有可被选的教学班。': log_result_not_found(response) return {} result = dict() _, result['课程代码'], result['课程名称'] = bs.select_one('#KcdmTable').stripped_strings result['课程代码'] = result['课程代码'].upper() trs = class_table.find_all('tr') course_classes = [] for tr in trs: tds = tr.find_all('td') assert len(tds) == 5 # 解析隐含在 alt 属性中的信息 class_info_table = GlobalFeaturedSoup(tds[1]['alt']) info_trs = class_info_table.select('tr') # 校区 起止周 考核类型 禁选专业 cls_info = dict(safe_zip(info_trs[0].stripped_strings, parse_tr_strs([info_trs[1]])[0])) # 选中人数 课程容量 for s in info_trs[2].stripped_strings: kv = [v.strip() for v in s.split(':', 1)] cls_info[kv[0]] = int(kv[1]) if kv[1] else None # 教学班附加信息 # 教学班附加信息:屯溪路校区 上课地点:体育部办公楼2楼 for s in info_trs[5].stripped_strings: kv = s.split(':', 1) cls_info[kv[0].strip()] = kv[1].strip() or None # 开课时间,开课地点 p = re.compile(r'周[一二三四五六日]:\(\d+-\d+节\) \(\d+-\d+周\).+?\d+') cls_info[info_trs[3].get_text(strip=True)] = p.findall(info_trs[4].get_text(strip=True)) cls_info['课程容量'] = int(cls_info['课程容量']) cls_info['选中人数'] = int(cls_info['选中人数']) cls_info['教学班号'] = tds[1].string.strip() cls_info['教师'] = [s.strip() for s in tds[2].text.split(',')] cls_info['优选范围'] = [s.strip() for s in tds[3].text.split(',')] course_classes.append(cls_info) result['可选班级'] = course_classes return result
[文档]class GetEntireCurriculum(BaseInterface): session_class = (BaseSession, StudentSession) request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'teacher/asp/Jskb_table.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, xqdm=None): super(GetEntireCurriculum, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['params'] = {'xqdm': xqdm}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='840') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) trs = bs.find_all('tr') origin_list = parse_tr_strs(trs[1:]) # 顺时针反转矩阵 length = len(origin_list) width = len(origin_list[0]) new_matrix = [] weeks = set() for i in range(width): newline = [] for j in range(length): if origin_list[j][i] is None: newline.append(None) else: courses = parse_course(origin_list[j][i]) for c in courses: weeks.update(c['上课周数']) newline.append(courses) new_matrix.append(newline) # 去除第一行的序号 curriculum = new_matrix[1:] weeks = weeks or {0} return {'课表': curriculum, '起始周': min(weeks), '结束周': max(weeks)}
[文档]class GetCode(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/xqjh.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('select') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) xqdm_options = bs.find('select', attrs={'name': 'xqdm'}).find_all('option') xqdm = [{'学期代码': node['value'], '学期名称': node.string.strip()} for node in xqdm_options] ccjbyxzy_options = bs.find('select', attrs={'name': 'ccjbyxzy'}).find_all('option') ccjbyxzy = [{'专业代码': node['value'], '专业名称': node.string.strip()} for node in ccjbyxzy_options] result = {'学期': xqdm, '专业': ccjbyxzy} return result
[文档]class GetMyInfo(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/xsxxxxx.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) key_trs = bs.find_all('tr', height='16', bgcolor='#A0AAB4') key_lines = parse_tr_strs(key_trs) value_trs = bs.find_all('tr', height='16', bgcolor='#D6D3CE') # img 标签没有文字, 照片项为 None value_lines = parse_tr_strs(value_trs) assert len(key_lines) == len(value_lines) - 2 stu_info = {} # 解析前面的两行, 将第一行合并到第二行后面,因为第一行最后一列为头像 value_lines[1].extend(value_lines[0]) kvs = [] for cell in value_lines[1][:-1]: kv_tuple = (v.strip() for v in cell.split(':', 1)) kvs.append(kv_tuple) stu_info.update(kvs) # 解析后面对应的信息 for line in safe_zip(key_lines, value_lines[2:]): stu_info.update(safe_zip(line[0], line[1])) # 添加照片项 photo_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.urljoin(response.url, bs.select_one('td[rowspan=6] img')['src']) stu_info['照片'] = photo_url stu_info['学号'] = int(stu_info['学号']) stu_info['考生号'] = int(stu_info['考生号']) return stu_info
[文档]class GetMyAchievements(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/Select_Success.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='582') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) trs = bs.find_all('tr') keys = tuple(trs[0].stripped_strings) # 不包括表头行和表底学分统计行 values_list = parse_tr_strs(trs[1:-1]) grades = [] for values in values_list: grade = dict(safe_zip(keys, values)) grade['课程代码'] = grade['课程代码'].upper() grade['学分'] = float(grade['学分']) grades.append(grade) return grades
[文档]class GetMyCurriculum(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/grkb1.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='840') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) trs = bs.find_all('tr') origin_list = parse_tr_strs(trs[1:]) # 顺时针反转矩阵 length = len(origin_list) width = len(origin_list[0]) new_matrix = [] weeks = set() for i in range(width): newline = [] for j in range(length): if origin_list[j][i] is None: newline.append(None) else: courses = parse_course(origin_list[j][i]) for c in courses: weeks.update(c['上课周数']) newline.append(courses) new_matrix.append(newline) # 去除第一行的序号 curriculum = new_matrix[1:] weeks = weeks or {0} return {'课表': curriculum, '起始周': min(weeks), '结束周': max(weeks)}
[文档]class GetMyFees(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/Xfsf_Count.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', bgcolor='#000000') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) keys = tuple(bs.table.thead.tr.stripped_strings) value_trs = bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor='#D6D3CE') value_list = parse_tr_strs(value_trs) feeds = [] for values in value_list: feed = dict(safe_zip(keys, values)) feed['课程代码'] = feed['课程代码'].upper() feed['学分'] = float(feed['学分']) feed['收费(元)'] = float(feed['收费(元)']) feeds.append(feed) return feeds
[文档]class ChangePassword(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/amend_password_jg.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, password, new_password): super(ChangePassword, self).__init__() # 若不满足密码修改条件便不做请求 if not ENV['XC_PASSWORD_PATTERN'].match(new_password): raise ValueError('密码为6-12位小写字母或数字') self.extra_kwargs['data'] = { 'oldpwd': password, 'newpwd': new_password, 'new2pwd': new_password } self.new_password = new_password
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='580', border='0', cellspacing='1', bgcolor='#000000') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) res = bs.text.strip() if res == '密码修改成功!': return True else: logger.warning('密码修改失败: %s', res) return False
[文档]class SetTelephone(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/amend_tel.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, tel): super(SetTelephone, self).__init__() tel = six.text_type(tel) p = re.compile(r'^\d{11,12}$|^\d{4}-\d{7}$') if not p.match(tel): raise ValueError('电话格式不匹配') self.extra_kwargs['data'] = {'tel': tel}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('input', attrs={'name': 'tel'}) bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) return bs.input['value']
[文档]class GetUnfinishedEvaluation(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/jxpglb.asp' } send_kwargs = {}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', width='600', bgcolor='#000000') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) forms = bs.find_all('form') result = [] for form in forms: values = tuple(form.stripped_strings) if len(values) > 3: continue status = dict(zip(('课程代码', '课程名称', '教学班号'), values)) result.append(status) return result
[文档]class EvaluateCourse(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/Jxpg_2.asp' } send_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, kcdm, jxbh, r101=1, r102=1, r103=1, r104=1, r105=1, r106=1, r107=1, r108=1, r109=1, r201=3, r202=3, advice=''): super(EvaluateCourse, self).__init__() advice_length = len(advice) if advice_length > 120: raise ValueError('advice 不能超过120字') value_map = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05'] self.extra_kwargs['data'] = { 'kcdm': kcdm, 'jxbh': jxbh, 'r101': value_map[r101 - 1], 'r102': value_map[r102 - 1], 'r103': value_map[r103 - 1], 'r104': value_map[r104 - 1], 'r105': value_map[r105 - 1], 'r106': value_map[r106 - 1], 'r107': value_map[r107 - 1], 'r108': value_map[r108 - 1], 'r109': value_map[r109 - 1], 'r201': value_map[r201 - 1], 'r202': value_map[r202 - 1], 'txt13': advice # 可以不填 # 'Maxtxt13': 120 - advice_length }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): if re.search('您已经成功提交', response.text): return True else: return False
# ========== 选课功能相关 ==========
[文档]class GetOptionalCourses(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/select_topLeft_f3.asp' } send_kwargs = { 'allow_redirects': False } def __init__(self, kclx='x'): super(GetOptionalCourses, self).__init__() if kclx not in ('x', 'b', 'jh'): raise ValueError('kclx 参数不正确!') self.extra_kwargs['params'] = {'kclx': kclx}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', id='KCTable') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) courses = [] trs = bs.find_all('tr') value_list = [tuple(tr.stripped_strings) for tr in trs] for values in value_list: course = {'课程代码': values[0].upper(), '课程名称': values[1], '课程类型': values[2], '开课院系': values[3], '学分': float(values[4])} courses.append(course) return courses
[文档]class GetSelectedCourses(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'get', 'url': 'student/asp/select_down_f3.asp' } send_kwargs = { 'allow_redirects': False }
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): page = response.text ss = SoupStrainer('table', id='TableXKJG') bs = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page, parse_only=ss) courses = [] keys = tuple(bs.find('tr', bgcolor='#296DBD').stripped_strings) # value_list = [tr.stripped_strings for tr in bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor='#D6D3CE')] value_list = parse_tr_strs(bs.find_all('tr', bgcolor='#D6D3CE')) for values in value_list: course = dict(safe_zip(keys, values)) course['课程代码'] = course['课程代码'].upper() course['学分'] = float(course['学分']) course['费用'] = float(course['费用']) courses.append(course) return courses
[文档]class ChangeCourse(BaseInterface): session_class = StudentSession request_kwargs = { 'method': 'post', 'url': 'student/asp/selectKC_submit_f3.asp' } send_kwargs = { 'allow_redirects': False } def __init__(self, account, kcdms_data, jxbhs_data): super(ChangeCourse, self).__init__() self.extra_kwargs['data'] = {'xh': account, 'kcdm': kcdms_data, 'jxbh': jxbhs_data}
[文档] @staticmethod def parse(response): if response.status_code == 302: msg = '提交选课失败, 可能是身份验证过期或选课系统已关闭' logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: # 这里只是用作检查此方法是否稳定 page = response.text # 当选择同意课程的多个教学班时, 若已选中某个教学班, 再选择其他班数据库会出错, # 其他一些不可预料的原因也会导致数据库出错 p = re.compile( r'(成功提交选课数据|容量已满,请选择其他教学班|已成功删除下列选课数据).*?' r'课程代码:.*?([\dbBxX]{8}).*?' r'教学班号:.*?(\d{4})', flags=re.UNICODE ) text = GlobalFeaturedSoup(page).get_text(strip=True) r = p.findall(text) if r: msg_results = [] for g in r: logger.info(' '.join(g)) msg_result = dict(msg=g[0], kcdm=g[1], jxbh=g[2]) msg_results.append(msg_result) logger.debug(msg_results) # todo: 待充分测试 return msg_results else: log_result_not_found(response)
# 通过已选课程前后对比确定课程修改结果 # before_change = dict_list_2_tuple_set(self.selected_courses) # after_change = dict_list_2_tuple_set(GetSelectedCourses().query()) # deleted = before_change.difference(after_change) # selected = after_change.difference(before_change) # result = {'删除课程': dict_list_2_tuple_set(deleted, reverse=True) or [], # '选中课程': dict_list_2_tuple_set(selected, reverse=True) or []} # return result